Get Free Traffic Easily To Your Sites - 2015 Top Ten Free AutoSruf Traffic Exchange Sites

What is Traffic Exchange?

Traffic Exchange Is Exchanging Traffic, You Visit Few Sites and Another Person Somewhere in the world will also do the same, then Both of them get points or Mins. We use those points or Minutes to Get Visits to our Links or Sites. This is Done Through Various Number of Sites, Below Sites are the Top Traffic Exchanging Sites

Why Is Website Traffic Exchange Important?

Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines take in the account number of unique visits made every day. More views, means more likely that your page or status will appear on the search results. The math is simple. More visits, means higher status, and more exposure.

What’s More Important: Page Views or Unique Visitors?

Page views or unique visitors - which one should you focus on? It depends on your objectives and audience. Let’s start with the basics.

What is a Page View?

A page view is triggered when any page is loaded by any visitor to your site. For example, if you click on a Link and the page loads, you have triggered a page view. If you click the link 20 more times today, it will count as 20 page views.

What is a Unique Visitor?

A unique visitor is an individual user who has accessed your site. It is determined by the IP address of the computer or device that the user is browsing from, combined with a cookie on the browser they are using. No matter of how many visits a visitor makes, if he is on the same device and same browser, only one unique visitor is counted. For example, if you visita link once today, you will be counted as a unique visitor. If you come back to this site 20 more times today, you are still counted as one unique visitor. If you visit the site from another computer or device (or another browser) it will count as a new visitor.

Page Views vs. Unique Visitors – which one Matters most?

Page views are important for publishers because each page view tally's an ad impression for each ad on the page. If your ads are sold on a cost per thousand views or CPM basis, this is an important number for you to grow. It's tempting to make sacrifices to the user experience to artificially increase page views.  For example, an image gallery that loads each new image seamlessly provides a better experience for the user, but will cut down on page views. It's important to find a balance so you don't alienate your audience.

The unique visitors metric gives you a sense of the size of your audience. The relative importance of this depends on the purpose of your site or publication. If you are a brand, you may want to maximize the number of people that come to your site, with little regard for how many pages they access, as long as they follow your chosen path through the site. If you are a niche publisher, you may not have a huge audience, but they may show loyalty and engagement by clicking deep into the site and generating page views. At the end of the day, the most important factor for growing your page views and unique visitors is content. If your content is not engaging and relevant to your users, they are going to "bounce" and never come back. The "bounce rate" is the percentage of visitors who come to your site and leave within a few seconds. A high bounce rate indicates that visitors didn't like what they saw or didn't find what they were looking for.

Time On Page Indicates Engagement 

The amount of time spent on the page indicates whether users are actually reading or watching what you're serving up. The higher the average time on a page, the more engaged your audience is in that particular page. As a publisher, Increasing this metric provides leverage to increase your ad rates because the ad impression time is longer.

Traffic Exchange Is Divided Into 2 Types  1) Auto Surf   2) Manual Surf

What Is Auto Surf Traffic Exchange

Auto Surf Traffic Exchange is Exchanging traffic automatically without user interface all the time. Once we start the Autosurf Surfing Starts and Sites Changes according to the points or Mins Assigned and you will get Points As per the Ratio of the Site 

What is Manual Surf Traffic Exchange

Manual Surf Traffic Exchange is Exchanging Manually, unlike AutoSurf Manual surf needs a lot of hardwork, we need to click to move on to another site, but In Manual Surf, we get more points compared to Autosurf

Here I provided with Most Popular and Useful AutoSurf Traffic Exchange Sites Information and Registration Links

#1 Hitleap  

Hitleap Holds No.1 Position in Traffic Exchanges, it contains Members in Millions and Perfect Hits with Premium Option Available. Hitleap Also Lets You Earn Money Easily. Traffic is gained by using Hitleap Software and You can run unlimited sessions by using different IPs. For Normal User we can add only 3 Links, You need to be a premium user to add more links. Boosts Your Alexa Rank

Increase Website Traffic 

#2 Homepage.Exchange 

 if HitLeap is at No.1, we can simply say that this is at Position.2, Coz unlike Hitleap we get many offers and Bonuses here. HomePage.Exchange is enjoyable but this doesn’t have Software Support, we will have to visit websites using Browser, most of the websites doesn’t have software extension.

Here are the Features of Homepage.Exchange

1.      Boosts Your Alexa Rank
2.      AutoSurf Traffic Exchange
3.      Surf Media Sites
4.      URL Rotator
5.      Banner Surfing
6.      Referral Bonus
7.      Can Change Your Minutes To Money
8.      Get Daily Bonus
9.      One Time Bonus
10. Apoitns

#3 OTOHits  

OTOHits is an Autosurf that work without frames

Features of OTOHits

1.      A quick registration.
2.      A fast validation (under 24h) of your websites, even automatic for certain websites.
3.      An unique autosurf engine! More than 5 millions visits delivered every day!
4.      1 point = 1 second (without advanced options)
5.      A dynamic timer from 10 to 600 seconds
6.      Multi-instance ready (1 account = many IP addresses)
7.      Unlimited number of websites!
8.      Advanced options: Variable Timer, hide the referer, change the referer

     Click Here To Register, fast and efficient autosurf

#4 10KHits

10kHits is also one of the Autosurf Traffic Exchange Sites, it provides 100 Points on Signup also with Software Support, can add upto 5 Websites. 10KHits has all the features of Normal Traffic Exchange Sites, it has many users compared to other Traffic Exchange Sites. This is also one of the best.


  • Three plans to choose from: Basic, Pro and Business.
  • Booster packs: extra points and URL slots.
  • Traffic hits are compatible with Google Analytics and other web analytics that uses UTM parameters.
  • Visit duration settings.
  • Maximum hits per hour settings.
  • Hits limit settings allows you to set an amount of hits per website before pausing campaign.
  • Custom traffic sources: anonymous/direct traffic, social or custom.
  • Geo-targeting hits to major countries.
  • Not safe for work filter to block sensitive media/pages.
  • New 10KHits exchanger application which prevents interruptions and pop-ups while you surf.
  • New user-friendly dashboard + metrics. Manage your campaigns faster!
  • A brand new fully responsive website design.
  • SSL security to keep your accounts safe.
  • New 24/7 support ticket system.
  • Knowledgebase full of useful articles on search engine optimization, search engine marketing, social media marketing, website performance and digital analytics.
  • And many more neat features to be revealed!

Click Here To Register

Free website traffic to your site!

#5 Hit4Hit

Hit4Hit gives Perfect Visit’s. Surfing In Hit4Hit is Good, but no software extension also a 100 Points Bonus Daily while surfing.
One Of the Best Feature Of Hit4Hit is Battle Of Pages, it provides many and many points.Click Here To Get Complete Info On Battle Of Pages

Hit4Hit Provides

1)     SEO: Higher the traffic of unique visitors to your website = The higher the Search Engine Rank!

2)     Reporting: Get a birds-eye view of your performance or drill down to check out reports.

3)     Marketing & Promotion: Run simple, but effective campaigns using our Website Traffic Exchange!

4)     Security:  They implement highest security protocols, and take strict measures to make your account the safest it can be!

5)     Dedicated Support: Dedicated support team is always hire to help. usual response time is less than 24 hours!

6)     E-commerce Websites: can help you build a large E-commerce traffic, that will generate more sales for your business!

7)     Community Team:  Hit4Hit development team is always perfecting the system, and is ensuring fast and steady traffic to your web pages.

#6 Alexa Boostup

This is also one of the site that help you to build up your alexa rank, here you can add as many websites as you want. Easy to use and Surf. You will receive 100 Points for Signup. For each referral you make you get 1000 Points

Click Here To Register 

#7 GlobalHits

·        5,000 Credits Just for Signing Up!
·        Advertise your social links at the top of the surf page for free!
·        Start Page Advertising
  -Make your site the first one our surfers see! 
·        Display your Banner!
·        Pro and Corporate Members webpages are shown on ALL 7 Surf Sites!
·        Up to 5,000 Credits Per Referral Signup!
·        10 Second Timer
·        Progressive Surf Ratio
·        Country Specific Statistics
·        Sites with Video Accepted
·        Win 250,000 Hits FREE for every 1 million pages surfed
·        Random Referrals *
·        Monthly Referral Contest!
      1st- 100,000 Credits, 2nd- 50,000 Credits, 3rd- 25,000 Credits
·        Auto Surf/Manual Surf Exchange
·        Create unlimited campaigns to track referral page advertising
·        No wasted credits on viewing your own sites
·        All Countries and Languages Accepted 
·        Surf Prizes- Free credits just for surfing
·        3 Different Types of Memberships to Choose From
·        PayPal Verified 
·        Detailed Account Statistics
·        100% Automated, 24/7
·        No Login Required for Surfing
·        URL Rotators, PTP, & PTC Accepted
·        2:1 Surfing Ratio
·        Advertise up to 20 Web-sites + 25 Text Ads + 25 Banners
·        Advertise your Banners on 1000's of sites for free with our Banner Exchange!
·        Advertise your Text Links on 1000's of sites for free with our Text Link Exchange!
·        Hits are Automatically Assigned
·        Receive credits for showing your referral page
·        Referral Payout for 5 Levels
      .50 .40 .30 .20 .10 hits/level/referral visit
·        Plus earn hits for each Referral Sign-up for 5 Levels
      500, 400, 300, 200, 100 hits/level/referral sign-up
·        Free URL Rotator

Click Here To Register 

#8   247FreeHits

247FreeHits makes it simple for anyone to get their Websites, Banners And Text Links seen 24 Hours a Day by Marketers Worldwide.

Members Features :
  • 15 Second Timer
  • 100% Automatic!
  • 2:1 Surf Ratio
  • FREE Traffic 24 Hours a Day!
  • Fast Website Approvals!
Signup Is Free!
Bonus For Signing Up!
 Monthly Credit Bonus
1000 Free Credits
 Banner Impressions
1000 Text (Feature) Links


#9 AutoEarn Hits

You can Get 2000 Free Credits just for Signup. is a state of the art Auto Hits Traffic Exchange Marketing Portal. Let your website traffic be a worry of the past! Receive all the FREE WebSite Traffic that your website can handle!

Features of AutoEarn Hits
·        Custom timers
·        100% Automatic!
·        Hide HTTP referer
·        FREE Traffic 24 Hours a Day!
·        Fast Website Approvals!
·        Unlimited Websites
·        Earn 20 percent FREE credits from all of your referrals!
·        Receive 20% of the credits earned by your referrals!

Click Here To Register  

  #10 TopAutoHits

You Get 1000 Free Credits just For Signup, It has AutoSurf Traffic Exchnge Option

Features of TopAutoHits

1)     15 Seconds Timer
2)     2:1 Surf Ratio
3)     Fast Website Approvals
4)     20% Commission on Referral Earnings
5)     Unlimited Websites
6)     2000 Credits,2000 Banner Impressions For Every Person You Refer

1 comment:

  1. The top facts about Clixsense's GPT Click Feature:
    1. Upto $0.02 per click.
    2. 5 seconds lowest timer.
    3. Reclick every 24 hours.
